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2 reviews
2.7 k downloads

Access more than 200 strips daily from your PC

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Álvaro Toledo icon
Reviewed by
Álvaro Toledo
Chief Content Officer

Begin the day with your fresh comic strip! WinComics is a lite tool that brings to your computer the daily comic strips from all around the world.

The program features a new strip everyday. Choose the comic you like the most and it will search the Internet to bring you the updated strip: Garfield, Calvin & Hobbes, Dick Tracy, Pink Panther...

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It's not a mess, you only have to run WinComics and choose the comic strip you like. It also includes a calendar where you'll be able to browse the previous strips, in fact, when you run it it saves all comic strips from today on,and next year you'll have an amazing comic collection.

Finally, it doesn't require to be installed, although it will need to be online to download new strips.

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Information about WinComics 1.4

License Free
Op. System Windows
Category Funny
Language English
1 more
Author freeComics
Downloads 2,741
Date May 22, 2009
Content Rating Not specified
Advertisement Not specified
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2 reviews


loreniya icon
in 2009

Fun and original, so you don't have to visit any website to read comic strips like those in newspapers. Plus, I love Garfield.

Hyrise icon
in 2009

Well, although I didn't know many of these comics, it helps me to work a little on my English, even if it's just a few words xDDD. I love Calvin and Hobbes!!! Let's hope they release one for comics in...See more

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